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I've (also) used (and loved!) these guys in my game Colorize and we just released a demo, if you want to check it out.


These are really cool and exactly what I needed for a game I'm making - Thank you!


Hey! Good to hear. I want to add 16 creatures to it soonish, so if you have any ideas of what creature I should draw, I'd love to hear them!

I'll check out your game, but I'm REALLY bad at slide puzzles lol, so I don't think my feedback would be too valuable.

Anyways good luck in your gamedev journey!


These are all really great! Thank you for sharing and thank you for making them free. Some of the better 1-bit stuff on itch

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you too! I initially wanted to use tiles from my roguelike pack for one of my game projects, but never got to do much with it. Then I thought it would be nice to release it for free with CC0 license, so other people can do some cool stuff with them instead. Then the Nosferatube suggested in the comments to draw some multitile creatures, so I've made this pack!

All in all, it's nice to see my art, that could've been just stuck in a folder of unfinished projects, inspire people to create some art of their own. :)


I'm working on a small retro RPG in Commodore 64 style, and your tiles are perfect for such kind of game!

I'm looking forward to integrate both your 16x16 and 32x32 creatures. The 32x32 monsters will be the dungeon bosses. :) I will keep you updated as soon as there is something to see and play. :)

That's sick! Would love to play it. Bonus points from me if you include the jester or a crab as one of the bosses. :D

Amazing! Makes me want to go back to my 1bit days and make more assets in that style again! Love the tile size choice, allows you a lot of flexablility to make these as wonderful as possible!

Beautiful and inspiring work, cheers!

Thank you! I always get a bit anxious about posting my art on the internet. I'm self-taught artist, so I often get that feeling of being "not good enough", but seeing that my art inspires other people to create is great!